video shows it destroyed from the ground
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It looked like a penis
I thought the SAME!
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The US coalition destroyed it not IS. Whom kept it untouched for 3 years under its rural won't blow it now, USA desperate of their looses?
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It's either shia terrorist group or the coalition which destroyed ths mosque.
How do you know?
'Cause, it's a sunni mosque, the shia terrorists group are known to destroy a lot of sunni mosques in Iraq and in Syria.
But it could be ISIS.
Not a chance could be IS the mosque destroyed by the coalition
Not a chance why?
IS won't destroy their symbolic mosque their leader made his first speech from that mosque
They rather destroyed it than let it fall to iraqi forces.
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When I thought that it was US forces that blew it up I applauded. But I understand Y ISIS blew it up; Iraqi forces moving closer.
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Est-ce que cela peut être interprété comme le signal de la fin (provisoire?) de l'EI À Mossoul?
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Fucking Isis. If the war is against the non-muslims or whatever.... Why are they distroying such a beautiful symbol of their culture
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devil's house ! Happy
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Correction, A us airstrick destroyed it. One among others...
Why Isis would blow it?
bc they are not Iraqi
But It's the mosque where al baghdadi said he was the new caliph. Very symbolic for daesh
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