The Quran compels Muslims to dominate subjugate & enslave all unbelievers S2:256 S9:29 Allah hates unbelievers & only loves the mujahideen
But Presbyterians say the Koran and Bible are equal
That's because Presbyterian have neither read the bible nor
True, they are not equal. The Koran was written by a man to further his own ideas. The Bible was written by God
the guy is not Muslim he is fucking tard made multiple accounts to hate on islam
I hate to break it to you...but via the books of each religion you CAN separate the Christians from the KKK but not the muslims from ISIS.
Why are Muslims ashamed of the Quran & Isis This is an emulation of prophet Mohammad pbuha
fake accounts are illegal here any last words before ban
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This warms my heart
so sad though for the struggle of ME
#Christians - 1 respuesta más
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We have that in America also, but we change the name from ISIS to moderate muslims.
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How did they get her back
and alive
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=awesome fantastic super duper god bless everyone involved in her safe release and her and her family too cheers
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God only knows what this poor baby girl went through, bless her innocent heart.
#MarchAgainstSharia#MAGAGracias. Twitter usará esto para mejorar tu cronología. Deshacer -
Makes my heart swell !!
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ISIS is vile and need to be wiped off the face of this planet. Happ they reunited the child with her parents.
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I pray for that little girl and get family. Good bless u all
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Get all the damn Christians out of the hell hole that is the Middle East. They are at risk everyday.
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Thank god she is with her family now I cannot imagine what that little girl went through
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Poor kid - glad she's back home
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